Category: <span>Webdriver</span>

Test Automation in Selenium Using Page Object Model and Page Factory

Writing automated tests is more than just a luxury for any agile software development team. It is a need and is an essential tool to find bugs quickly during the early phases of software development cycles. When there is a new feature that is still in the development phase, developers can run automated tests and see how other parts of the system are affected by those changes. Through test automation, it is possible to lower the cost of bug fixing and bring overall improvement to quality assurance (QA) process. With proper tests, developers get a chance at finding and resolving …

Recording Selenium Test Execution

After long time, got few min to think about new blog. There are many blog available for each and every solution but I was thinking to have few which is either not available or very limited information available over internet. I have free version of sauce lab and I am always fascinated by this kind of tool and I would love to build such tool sometime in future. There is one feature that is recording the session is always attracted me. I tried to find some resources which can help me to achieve so in my framework. I found Microsoft …

Learning NUnit In Easy Way For Beginners

NUnit is a test framework for all Microsoft .Net language. NUnit is derived from JUnit, a unit test framework for Java. It is written in C# and helps you to execute unit tests for code written in .net. At the time of writing this article, the most recent version of NUnit was 2.6.2. NUnit supports many features but in this article, I explain only those features which are actually required by black box testers. I intend to write another article on advanced NUnit where I will cover the features in depth. GETTING STARTED: Let’s write a simple banking program. [sourcecode language=”csharp”] namespace …