Month: <span>February 2012</span>

Basic Commands of Selenium RC

In previous post, we have discussed about locator and how to do scripting in Selenium IDE. If you have done through practice with IDE then I am sure you have been familiar with multiple selenium commands. Today will talk about some basic commands of selenium which we are going to use most frequently in our test framework other than click (), type () etc. I would recommend you to go through these commands thoroughly and try to practice them with IDE. 1: SelectFrame (locator): To learn this command we need to understand basics of HTML frame element first. Spend some …

First Step Towards Selenium

This is a common question being search from engineers, how to start selenium Test. I am sure some of you who are reading this blog may aware of fundamentals of Selenium but I am am going to start from very basic of Selenium Scripting. So all newcomers, get ready from very beginning of selenium test. In this post I will try to explain about Selenium and how to configure IDE for testing. First we will try to understand how Selenium works and interact with Web browser and web element. Actually Selenium is a java script library who interacts with element …

Selenium And Why Selenium is better than QTP?

This is quite common question among software professionals, which tool is better option for web testing. There are varieties of tools available in the market, either paid like QTP, Winrunner or some open source tools like Selenium, Webdriver. Selenium and Webdriver shares the same ancestor. We will discuss more in detail later in this blog. Now we are here to understand why we should go with selenium instead of other. I am pretty sure; gung-hos of QTP will hate me for this. But I will speak. I acquainted with selenium in 2009 July when I was searching some record and …